Adding Agents Inside your Connectware Installation

Setting up Agents inside Connectware

Connectware protocol-mapper agents are additional components of the Connectware that can be deployed and started individually. You can use agents for the following:

  • Inside your Connectware installation for specialization and load distribution
  • Outside your Connectware installation as edge deployments close to your shopfloor

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Adding Agents inside Your Connectware Installation

You can add additional agents to your Connectware installation via the Connectware Helm chart. The section to add agents is commented out by default.

  1. In the values.yaml file, search for #protocolMapperAgents within the global context and remove the #.
  2. Add the agents. The minimum configuration requires you to add the agent name.
    Note: You cannot change the name of an agent after creating it.
  3. Add configurations to each agent. For example, define the storage size or the CPU and memory resources of each agent. 


In this example, two agents are added to the protocolMapperAgents section of the values.yaml file.

  - name: welder-robots
  - name: bender-robots
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

Specifying the Storage Size for Agents (Optional)

Agents require a persistent volume to store their data. The default storage size value is 40 Mi (40 Mebibytes).

  • To specify the storage size for an agent, add the parameter storageSize and define the storage size. Specify the storage size as Kubernetes quantities.

Note: You cannot change the storage size of an agent after creating it.


  - name: bender-robots
    storageSize: 1Gi
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

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Specifying a StorageClass for Agents (Optional)

Agents require a persistent volume to store their data. By default, the agents use the default storage class of the Kubernetes cluster. You can specify any Kubernetes StorageClass that offers the ReadWriteOnce access mode and is available in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • To specify a StorageClass for a persistent volume, add the parameter storageClassName and define a name. Note: You cannot change the name of the StorageClass after creating it.


  - name: bender-robots
    storageClassName: longhorn
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

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Specifying CPU and Memory Resources for Agents

You can use the Kubernetes resource requests and limits to specify CPU and memory resources for agents.

Depending on their role and workload, agents can consume varying amounts of CPU and memory resources. We recommend that you use the Kubernetes metrics-server to identify the resource requirements of each agent and adjust the configuration if necessary.

Important: Adjusting CPU and memory resources can impact the performance and availability of Connectware. When you customize the settings for CPU and memory resources, make sure that you monitor the performance and make adjustments if necessary.

  • In the values.yaml file, specify the CPU and memory limits and requests in the Helm value global.podResources.distributedProtocolMapper. Specify the limits and requests as Kubernetes quantities.


- name: bender-robots
        cpu: 1000m
        memory: 1000Mi
        cpu: 2000m
        memory: 2000Mi
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

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Specifying Additional Environment Variables for Agents

You can specify a YAML array of objects to add additional environment variables for agents.

  • In the values.yaml file, define a name and a value for the environment variable. Note: Kubernetes only accepts strings as environment variables.

Note: Do not specify the following environment variables as they are already used by the Helm chart of Connectware:



  - name: bender-robots
        value: connectware
        value: bar
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

Directly Targeting the MQTT Broker

Agents target the MQTT broker of Connectware through an Ingress proxy via the Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service. In your new Connectware installation, the LoadBalancer is named connectware. However, you can bypass the Ingress proxy. This allows you to reduce the number of services that move data, increase throughput or reduce load.

Note: Only target the MQTT broker directly if the necessity was identified.

  1. To directly target the MQTT broker, do one of the following in the values.yaml file:
    1. If you are using a separate control-plane broker, set the Helm value mqttHost to control-plane-broker.
    2. Otherwise, set the Helm value mqttHost and mqttDataHost to broker.
  2. Set the environment variable CYBUS_HOSTNAME_INGRESS to connectware.


Directly target the MQTT broker:

  - name: bender-robots
    mqttHost: broker
    mqttDataHost: broker
        value: connectware
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

Directly target the MQTT broker while using a separate control-plane broker:

  - name: bender-robots
    mqttHost: control-plane-broker
    mqttDataHost: broker
        value: connectware
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

Defining Kubernetes Labels and Annotations for Agents

You can define sets of labels and annotations that are added to the pod and controller resources of your agents. The following Helm values are available:

Helm valueApplied to
labelsController (StatefulSet), Pod, Service, PersistentVolumeClaim
annotationsController (StatefulSet)


  - name: bender-robots
      tld.mycompany/robots: benders # label is common to all resources
      pod: only # label is only on pods
      controller: only # annotation is only on StatefulSet controller
      pod: only # annotation is only on pods
        service: only # label is only on the service
        service: only # annotations is only on the service
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)
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