Product | 19.12.2023

Connectware release 1.4.0

Connectware releases 1.4.0 and 1.3.2 – Security enhanced

In our continued commitment to ensuring robust security, we’re introducing multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Connectware release 1.4.0 to enhance your protection. And while we were at it, we’ve also improved our Protocol Mapper.

Including the features and bug fixes of the previous Connectware 1.3.2 release, Connectware 1.4.0 now offers the following enhancements.

New and enhanced features

  • Multi-factor authentication
    Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second factor, in addition to the regular password, to authenticate the identity of each Connectware user.For users, it is super easy to enable MFA when logging in to Connectware, offering greater control over everyone’s account security. All common authenticator apps are supported. For example, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy and others. In case a user does not have access to their authentication device, individual backup codes ensure that no valid user is ever locked out of Connectware.Admins have the flexibility to control the MFA settings for each client individually. As an admin, you can disable MFA for a specific user if needed, tailoring the security level to your organization’s requirements. Learn more on how to use MFA.
  • Protocol Mapper
    The HTTP server, embedded in our Protocol Mapper, now also supports reading data using HTTP GET requests. HTTP is a widely adopted and standardized protocol, making it easier for various devices and systems to communicate with each other. For Connectware users, this greatly simplifies data consumption for MES & ERP systems or similar applications. We have also significantly improved the overall resource consumption of the Protocol Mapper to improve its performance. Additionally, our Fanuc Focas protocol integration now supports AddressType E for even heavier lifting.
  • MQTT shared subscriptions
    MQTT shared subscriptions can now handle rule engine context variables. Additionally, we have improved the error messages to give more insights.
  • Change passwords
    Users can now change their passwords via the Settings page.


We have made the following fixes to improve the stability of Connectware:

  • Admin UI: Consistent language throughout Connectware (EN)
  • Protocol Mapper: Fixed problems related to MaxListenersExceededWarning
  • Protocol Mapper: Fixed handling of rule engine context vars with MQTT shared subscriptions
  • Protocol Mapper: HTTP – Fixed auto generated endpoint topic name
  • Protocol Mapper: HTTP – Fixed missing error message on failed post request at TCP level
  • Protocol Mapper: Kafka – Fixed issues related to connecting to servers over TLS and improved the OPC UA Server behavior during startup
  • Protocol Mapper: OPC UA Server – Fixed potential race condition during startup
  • Child services do not stay in deviation when parent service is updated
  • Reconnection of OPC UA connections is now much faster
  • Fixed wrong OAuth access token format for HTTP client

The update is available now. See the documentation to learn how to install or update Connectware. See the changelog for a list of what has changed in Connectware 1.4.0 and all previous Connectware versions.

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