Condition Monitoring with Cybus

Continuous production optimization through central data acquisition and distribution


Condition Monitoring is part of every production

Full transparency, more efficient processes and relief for employees

Regular monitoring of machine conditions is an integral part of modern production. Condition monitoring provides individual machine parameters in real time so that defects can be detected and resolved immediately. With an intuitive dashboard and data visualization, the overall control of your production succeeds in a user-friendly way. Gain insightful production metrics, reduce downtime and optimize your production processes with reliable real-time data.

leverage optimization potentials

Proactively use machine data

Kontinuierliche Verbesserung gelingt dann, wenn Sie Ihre When you monitor and leverage your machine data, continuous improvement succeeds: Cybus’ universal data infrastructure provides you with all the data you need to optimize production so that you can:

  • Record quality-relevant parameters
  • Identify inefficient processes
  • Reduce downtime and repair times
  • Reduce maintenance costs


Central data acquisition according to your requirements

With Cybus Connectware, production data is collected, standardized and pre-processed locally: You define your individual thresholds, notification criteria and rules for data pre-processing while remaining independent of the cloud.

Through the strict security gate and access rights management, you decide which data is transmitted to authorized target applications, systems and clouds.

CONNECTIVITY UND Data distribution

Identify and leverage optimization potential

Easy-to-use visualizations such as dashboards and traffic lights efficiently integrate condition monitoring into the daily routine of your employees. With Cybus Connectware, you can realize automatic live data acquisition and KPI measurement in just a few hours. Thanks to predefined hall plans, your shop floor data is clearly assigned to the machines at a glance.

Data-driven optimization of production

Understanding and reliably adjusting processes

Seamless data collection makes it possible to view production at a deep level of detail. This makes the individual processes in your production consistently comprehensible. Secure storage of your data also enables a reliable comparison of whether the processes have changed: the deviations immediately reveal sources of defects, quality fluctuations or side effects immediately. In addition, a long-term view reveals whether and to what extent your adaptations have had a target-oriented effect.

UNIVERSal connectivity

Connectware integrates all relevant protocols and interfaces through its comprehensive and selected connectivity portfolio. Individual and unique requirements can be easily added.

fast connectivity

Pre-installed protocols and efficient commissioning files enormously speed up the connection of your machines and sensors. Connect your shop floor in just a few hours.

rule engine

For condition monitoring, data preprocessing and transformation are essential. With the powerful rule engine, you determine in which intervals and in which format your data will be provided.


The pre-installed dashboard visualizes the machine data in an easy to understand and usable way for your staff. With a few clicks you can set up and customize your own dashboards and reporting.

no plc programming

Connectware collects machine and sensor data without any necessary PLC reprogramming. Setting up this universal connectivity in your shop floor inherits no risk for you.

condition monitoring

Condition monitoring is the first step to complex data usage like predictive maintenance or AI. Start now with Cybus.

cybus connectware

Scalable data infrastructure for Smart Factory

Holistic factory connectivity with one software

The leading Factory Data Hub Connectware is suitable for the first steps of digitalization up to Smart Factory Transformation. In addition to full shop floor connectivity, Connectware creates a scalable data infrastructure for digital projects without boundaries.

Image of a teaser of the Cybus Connectware

Further use cases with the Factory Data Hub

Realize any use case with a universal data infrastructure

Leading manufacturers rely on Cybus

Whether metal processing, automotive or toolmaking – leading manufacturers rely on the Factory Data Hub

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