News | 16.07.2018

IoT-Workshop “Future of Service with IoT”

How do you generate new business models from data?

Data, all experts agree, are the currency of the future. But how can you as a manufacturer and your customers as the operators of the machines draw a profitable value from this huge amount of accruing data? You can find out in the IoT-workshop “Future of Service with IoT” offered jointly with Cybus by our internationally active partner Noventum, one of the leading service business developers. Learn how you can build and implement data-driven business models for yourself and/or your customers based on your situation and requirements. You already have the “raw material”, the data required for this, because each of your machines is producing it – continuously. All you have to do is pick up this treasure.

But how do you do that? Where and how do you need to start to develop IoT-based services in a meaningful way?

In the two-day workshop “Future of Service with IoT” we analyse with you the most important requirements, the influences of major market changes and the possibilities and potential benefits of IoT. Together with you, we develop a vision for new business models, implement a selected new service as a prototype and draw up a roadmap for the next concrete steps.

Benefit from our experience in the area of IIoT-based business models. We would be pleased to inform you about the possible applications in industry. Register here for the workshop “Future of Service with IoT“

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